
2024 Women to Watch

This year we showcase over 80 South Australian women to watch throughout the year. From business, to careers, arts to science. This year’s selected women highlight the depth and diversity of the women in our state and also the vast array of opportunities to develop a business or career in South Australia. Find our more about our inaugural Women to Watch initiative here.

Louise Lynch is a dedicated entrepreneur, former nurse, and co-founder of Flinders Food Co, driven by a profound passion for promoting bush foods, fostering appreciation for the Flinders Ranges, and empowering rural women in business. With a burning commitment to community development and social impact, Louise has emerged as a prominent figure within her networks.

Louise’s journey is marked by notable achievements and contributions. In 2023, she was honoured with the prestigious Young Citizen of the Year award, recognising her outstanding leadership and commitment to community service. As Chairperson of the Hawker Community Development board, Louise demonstrates exemplary vision and strategic insight, directing initiatives that foster sustainable growth and empowerment within local communities.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Louise is deeply involved in social welfare, serving as an active foster carer and advocating for vulnerable individuals. Her multifaceted approach to humanity reflects a profound commitment to creating positive change and uplifting those in need. With an unwavering dedication to her mission, Louise continues to make meaningful strides in promoting bush foods, amplifying the voices of rural women, and fostering inclusive growth across communities. Her visionary leadership and unwavering dedication serve as an example of inspiration for future generations.

// Favourite inspirational quote
Work hard, play harder!

// Let’s get to know you
Growing up in the unique town of Leigh Creek, I developed a profound appreciation for the beauty of nature and the importance of community bonds. I pursued a career in nursing, driven by a passion for helping others and making a meaningful impact in their lives. After completing my nursing studies and gaining invaluable experience at the local hospital, I felt a calling to explore new horizons. It was during this time that I crossed paths with Doogal. Together, we embarked on an adventure moving to Scotland, where I immersed myself in the rich tapestry of European culture and cuisine. It was during these travels that I fell in love with the diversity of flavours and the power of food to connect people.

When returning to Australia, I felt a deep longing to return to my roots in the Flinders Ranges and purchased a local café. As I navigated the challenges of entrepreneurship, I discovered a newfound passion for leadership and community engagement. I began furthering my skills through formal education and hands-on experience, recognising the transformative impact of effective leadership in driving positive change.

Driven by a desire to give back to my community, I started volunteering for local community groups and became actively involved in foster caring, providing a loving home for children in need the undergoing IVF treatment to fulfil my dream of starting a family, a decision that has brought immeasurable joy and fulfilment into my life. Through perseverance and dedication, I have successfully created a thriving business, becoming a must-visit destination.

// What makes you a Woman to Watch for 2024?
I believe I am a woman to watch due to my multifaceted contributions and unwavering commitment to driving positive change in various spheres.

My passion for empowering rural women is at the core of my endeavours. Through my volunteer efforts, I strive to create safe and inclusive communities where women can thrive and fulfill their potential. Whether through mentoring, advocacy, or community initiatives, I am dedicated to amplifying the voices of rural women and facilitating their leadership growth and personal development. My work in educating people about native foods not only promotes cultural awareness but also supports sustainable practices and economic opportunities in rural areas. By showcasing the richness of indigenous cuisines, I aim to foster appreciation for our natural heritage while contributing to the growth of local economies.

My journey through IVF treatment has inspired me to lend a compassionate ear and raise awareness about the mental health challenges associated with fertility struggles. By openly discussing my experiences and offering support to others facing similar journeys, I hope to break down stigmas surrounding infertility and promote greater understanding and empathy within our communities.

Overall, my dedication to empowering women, promoting cultural awareness, and fostering inclusive communities sets me apart as a woman to watch in 2024. Through my ongoing efforts, I aim to continue making meaningful contributions and inspiring positive change.

// What are you most looking forward to in 2024?
In 2024, I am most looking forward to several exciting endeavours that align with my personal and professional aspirations. I am eager to embark on a journey of self-development and growth. Whether through formal education, skill-building workshops, or personal reflection, I am committed to continuously evolving and honing my abilities as a leader, entrepreneur, and community advocate. I am excited about the opportunity to encourage and support others on their own paths to success. Whether it’s through mentorship, collaboration, or simply offering a listening ear, I am passionate about empowering individuals to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

On a personal note, I am eagerly anticipating the expansion of my family. Hopefully continuing my IVF journey and welcoming a new addition brings boundless joy and excitement, and I am looking forward to the journey and all the wonderful experiences it entails.

I am thrilled about the development of my new business venture. Creating sustainable, luxury, family-friendly, and eco-friendly accommodation aligns perfectly with my values and vision for responsible tourism. I am excited to bring this vision to life and provide unforgettable experiences for travellers while contributing to environmental conservation and community engagement.

Overall, 2024 holds a wealth of opportunities for growth, connection, and fulfillment, and I am eager to embrace each new challenge and experience with enthusiasm and optimism.

// If you could share one takeaway from your business or career journey, what would it be?
If I could share one takeaway from my business and career journey, it would be the importance of finding balance between dedication to work and nourishing one’s personal well-being. I firmly believe in the mantra “work hard, play harder.” While ambitious pursuits and professional growth are essential, it’s equally vital to prioritise self-care, relaxation, and meaningful connections outside of the workplace. By striking a harmonious balance between dedication to my goals and taking time to recharge and enjoy life, I’ve found greater fulfillment, resilience, and overall success in both my business endeavours and personal life. This balance has allowed me to navigate challenges with clarity and grace while savouring the moments of joy and celebration along the way.

// What would you like to see for the future of South Australian women and girls?
I envision a South Australia where women and girls thrive in every aspect of their lives, empowered to achieve their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society. I aspire to see more women in leadership positions across all areas. I believe that diverse representation at the decision-making table is essential for driving innovation, fostering inclusivity, and addressing the needs of all members of society. I advocate for equal opportunities for rural women, ensuring that they have access to the same resources and opportunities as their urban sisters. This includes affordable and relevant leadership development programs tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by rural women, enabling them to thrive and make meaningful contributions to their communities.

I hope to see a future where affordable and accessible leadership opportunities abound for women of all backgrounds and circumstances. Whether through mentorship programs, skills development workshops, or networking events, I believe in equipping women with the tools and support they need to excel in their chosen fields and take on leadership roles with confidence and competence. I emphasise the importance of women supporting and uplifting each other. By fostering a culture of care, collaboration, and mentorship, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment where women can thrive and succeed together.

My vision for the future of South Australian women and girls is one of empowerment, equality, and solidarity. By championing women’s leadership, advocating for rural women, expanding leadership opportunities, and promoting a culture of support, we can create a brighter and more equitable future for all.

Get in touch with Louise:

Website: www.flindersfoodco.com.au

Check out all of the incredible Women to Watch for 2024 here as their profiles are uploaded throughout the year.

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