
Whether you are in your own business or flying along your career path, there is insight that can be gained from our SA Woman Experts in Business + Professional Services. From creating your brand to managing your finances and all the steps in between, these top tips will help you succeed in your business or career goals! 

Meet the Experts - Rachel Reiter

Hopscotch Branding Studio |

Rachel Reiter

As a brand stylist and mentor, if Rachel could give you one gift to find confidence in your marketing, brand clarity would be it!

Here are 3 tips for nailing your brand:

Tip #1: Branding before marketing.
Don’t start marketing your business without first dedicating strategic thought into your brand. Presenting a cohesive, clear message to your audience will evoke trust, rather than guessing your way through trial and error, which will only result in confusion. Invest in your brand to establish who you are, why you are here, and who you are here for… and you will surely uncover how you need to communicate in the most aligned way to attract your perfect customers. If I could give you one gift to find confidence in your marketing, brand clarity would be it!

Tip #2: Your brand is not your logo, but why?
Building a strong brand ecosystem takes more than a great logo. Your brand goes far deeper than your logo, colours and images. These visible assets are intended only to communicate the overall brand personality; the layers of complexity that are internal (non-visible) identifiers of your brand.

Tip #3: Zig when others zag.
Your goal should be to stand out in the marketplace for the right reasons, to the right crowd. It’s important to keep your eyes on your competitors, if only to find a clear gap where your brand can dominate. So evade imposter syndrome and comparisonitis by finding confidence in knowing that your brand IS DIFFERENT, and that’s a good thing.

Facebook: Rachel Reiter Brand Mentor

Rachel Reiter is a brand stylist and mentor. She works closely with flourishing online entrepreneurs to create heartfelt brand personalities that attract dream customers and align with a purpose led vision through her one on one services at Hopscotch Branding Studio. She is also founder of her signature brand foundation and strategy program, Brand Alchemy and monthly membership, The Branding Hub, which guides and supports passionate women in business to cultivate an authentic, intentional brand.

When Rachel isn’t creating and mentoring, she’s raising four daughters with her hubby, Matt. While she’s addicted to coffee, she’s a passionate tea lover and takes pleasure in the simple things like warm sand between her toes or curling up with an epic novel.

Fusion Accountants| Emma Fabbro

The financial side of running a business is huge and can be overwhleming! These top tips help to remove some of the stress that comes with managing your business finance. 

Tip #1: Your numbers matter.
No matter how big or how small your business your numbers are important. Have a system that works for you. Online cloud accounting software are excellent solutions and have different price points to suit a range of business.

Tip #2: Work smarter not harder.
Use automation so that tasks which can be automated are. For example you may have invested in accounting software but are you using it to its full potential?

Tip #3: No matter how small your business may be, put aside money for tax from day one.
Preferably anywhere from 10-30%…As I tell my clients, if you create this habbit from day one it won’t matter if your business turns over $10k, $100k or $1m, you will have the right mindset and savings habbits in place.

Facebook: Fusion Accountants

Emma is a fellow certified practising accountant and registered tax agent. She is also a member of Intuit QuickBooks Trainer Writer Network and in this role does training webinar presentations and more! She has run her practice, Fusion Accountants since January 2014. Her passion is supporting small business and individuals.

Meet the Experts - Emma Fabbro
Meet the Experts - Heidi Wolff

Heidi Wolff

    Great tips for photography are just as beneficial for your personal brand and career as they are for your own business! These three tips will help you feel confident putting your own image out to the world. 

    Tip #1: Authenticity over Perfection.
    Ladies, if you are scared to put your face out there, this tip is especially for you! When someone is looking for a service or product, they are thinking about ‘what’s in it for me’ and how you make them feel. They definitely don’t want someone who appears perfect as that person is unrelatable!

    Next time you pick up your phone to take a selfie or video, think about adding value to your community and making them feel special. I promise they won’t be looking at your pimple or regrowth!

    Tip #2: Download snapseed.
    This free editing app will change your life! Remember, don’t overdo it with the filters! Yes, we all have bad face days but we still want to see your gorgeous natural authentic self shining through!

    Tip #3: Put your photo on your business card.
    Who has hundreds of business cards in their office drawers? I do! I can’t remember who 80% of them are. By putting your face on your card, people will remember you, even if you met briefly!

    Facebook: Heidi Wolff

    Hi, I’m Heidi Wolff.

    A professional brand photographer, videographer, smartphone educator, and small business cheerleader working in Adelaide & regional SA (I love a good road trip). 

    I’m here to give small business owners and entrepreneurs imposter-syndrome-smashing confidence to share their unique genius, allowing them to fulfil all the reasons why they went into business!